CDC National Online Event

The Future of SEND System Improvement

We’re excited to announce that next CDC National Online Event will be on the theme of The SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan. The event is called ‘The Future of SEND System Improvement’ and will take place on Thursday 28th September 2023, 10.00 - 13.30.

This event is aimed at SEND Leads, Commissioners, DSCOs, DMOs and DCOs – we would also welcome attendance from Parent Carer Forum regional representatives. Priority will be given to these roles.

The agenda is yet to be announced but the event will consist of a main plenary session, and a range of workshop choices (attendees will be given the chance to sign up to 2x workshops, details on workshop content and how to sign up will be circulated nearer the time). As part of the plenary session Dame Christine Lenehan will be providing an extended welcome and presentation, in her final week as Director of CDC. This will be Christine’s last National Event and a great opportunity to share some thoughts on SEND as well as her hopes for the system going forward.

If you have any ideas for workshops, or you would like to present at a workshop yourself, please contact Macey-Rae (
